Building your Personal Goals

I start my year, month and week with goals. My yearly goals are those that I want to work on throughout the year, my monthly goals are those that represent my yearly goals, and my weekly ones is the shit I need to get done that week. You know, ASAP. I even have an agenda where I write down everything.

I started my year looking at my side hustle, what did I want to achieve? I wanted a stronger social media presence, more followers and more clients.  My monthly and weekly goals are working towards those goals and ensuring I get it done. My weekly and monthly goals can be those pesky tasks that I just need to be done.

I even looked at my personal life, what did I want? Hmm stronger and more meaningful relationships with my friends, continue eating healthy and working out (need a good workout plan; contact us we got you) and of course taking time for me.

The thing about goals that I try explaining to my clients is that they are not usually completed within the first weeks; you need to keep on working on them. Constantly. You will have highs, lows and sometimes you will even regress. It happens. But as I always say when that happens, you got to get back up and keep on being persistent. Don’t build crazy goals, build goals that you can work on constantly, make micro steps, make them work for you so that you can ensure your own success.

One way you can attack your goals is:

  • What do YOU want to work on?
    • and what else?
  • Why do YOU want to work on this?
  • What do YOU really want?
  • How can YOU get this done?

Personal goals cannot only be looked at once a year, you need to work on it all year long and build those habits you want to create.

At Anima Mea, we want to aspire to inspire our clients to live their best lives.

Need some inspiration? Contact us, let’s get it done.

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